DYSCRASITE – Czech Republic – GFS0351

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 1.200,00 +TAX


Uranium Mine No. 21, Dubno, Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic

5,5×4,5×3 cm.

This piece is especially dedicated to all the metallic specimens lovers and consisting in an aesthetics arrangement of orthorhombic Dyscrasite crystals dark gray in color with opaque to luster display and some interesting iridescence, really a rare and elegant specimen.

The Příbram ore area is one of the most important regions of hydrothermal ore mineralization of the Czech Republic, with a complex geological history.

The ore deposits of the Příbram ore area had a long history of mining of silver and base-metal ores: the beginning of mining dates back to the Middle Ages; first silver and later lead were the principal extracted metals with other by-products such as zinc and, to a lesser extent, antimony and gold. Total production of metals from this area was 3800 tons Ag, 518,000 tons Pb, 70,000 tons Sb  (Příbram base-metal ore district) and 48,400 tons U (Příbram uranium ore district).

In the Příbram base-metal ore district, the older base-metal stage dominates. It is represented by quartz–siderite–calcite veins with galena, sphalerite, pyrite, tetrahedrite, bournonite, boulangerite, and Ag minerals etc., with occurrences of well-formed crystals of these mineral species. In the Příbram uranium ore district, base-metal mineralization (siderite–quartz veins with galena and sphalerite) also occurs in the oldest siderite–sulphide stage. The predominance of calcite is characteristic for the superimposed stages. Abundant uraninite aggregates were formed in the calcite–uraninite stage. For more info 

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